Thursday 29 October 2009


I first met Kirsty during my training at Tring Park. She started the course a term late and so was automatically the "new girl". Despite getting off on a bad footing with each other, by the time I left the school with my Certificate in July of this year, I knew I had found one of those unbreakable lifelong bonds.

Kirsty's journey through her training at Tring Park was never easy, firstly having started late and missed all of the first terms going-back-to-basics and thrashing out of old bad habits. But also I got closer to Kirsty and our friendship began to develop, I became aware of her history of eating problems. This all came to a head in the summer of upper sixth when the girl whom which she lived with decided to inform the school just how serious the problem had gotten.

In mine, and many others' opinions, the matter was dealt with entirely the wrong way by the school and it became common knowledge to everyone that she was "the bullimic girl". She was pulled out of classes and into the principals office and as a consequence of all this, she shut herself off from everyone. Everyone except me.

Kirsty is now in her third and final year of training at Tring Park and currently auditioning for jobs. Its not been an easy road for her for various reasons but no matter how bad things ever get or how low she ever feels, Kirsty always provides a positive outlook. Even when the moral all around her has hit rock bottom she comes up fighting bringing everyone with her.

Kirsty has been a fellow student and is a lifelong friend for me and in my opinion her positivity and her determination are truly inspirational. She is a lesson that to me that every cloud has a silver lining and no matter how bad things sometimes may seem there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.


Wordle: SARAH


Fashion has always had a significant influence on me throughout my life. I believe that it is an expression of an individual’s personality. I have previously considered courses at London College of Fashion and other such institutions to pursue a career or even second career within the fashion industry and chose to do my high school work experience placement at a lingerie and nightwear design company.

Make up, like fashion is another route that I have considered as a career or second career, and would like, at some point, to complete a media, film and TV makeup course.

People have often criticized me for my “weird” taste in music. However, I would rather describe it as a varied and diverse spectrum of musical interest. I do not have a certain “type” of music that I listen, but rather appreciate each individual pieces quality whether this is in a piece of minimalist music, a classical symphony or the latest chart show number one. Inspiration can be drawn from music and sound not only for dance work but I believe it also has a major influence in general life issues and tasks.

Ever since a young girl I have taken a great interest in both reading novels, and writing my own stories or descriptive writing. I have both read and studied a variety of different fiction genres from many different time periods, thoroughly enjoying the ones which make you think and consider life from another perspective. I particularly enjoy the work of Alison Weir who prompts me to consider social, and political values from a historical point of view and compare the way of life then, to the way of life now and how it has changed.



1. SPOTLIGHT CONTACTS BOOK: In my opinion this is any performers bible, containing contact details for casting agencies, dance companies, photographers, theatres etc.
2. The Stage: Performing Arts newspaper containing all of the latest industry news plus auditions and jobs listings (on stage, backstage, teaching, technical, in between jobs)
3. for auditions and jobs listings
4. information and guidance on teaching dance
5. class timetables and descriptions, forum containing ads for accommodation, photographers, auditions etc.

Saturday 10 October 2009


Star Now (auditions and castings)
Dancers Pro (auditions and castings)
Pineapple Studios (auditions and castings, class timetables)
ITDA (IDTA website)
BBO (BBO website)
RAD (RAD website)
ISTD (ISTD website)
NDTA (National Dance Teachers Association website)
Dalcroze Eurythmics (Dalcroze Eurythmics website)
Disney (Disney Auditions calendar)

Tuesday 6 October 2009


I recently graduated in July of this year from Tring Park School of Performing Arts (formerly Arts Educational School) with a National Certificate in Professional Dance, having trained at the school for two years from the age of 16. I also left the school with A Levels in English Literature, Film Studies and Dance and an AS Level in Classical Civilisation. My time at the shcool not only provided me with excellent training and skills in terms of performing arts but also essential life skills. In many ways my time at Tring Park has shaped me as a person and taught me an excessive amount about both myself and others around me.

Prior to commencing my full time training at Tring Park, I trained for 4 years on the Pre Senior Associate Course at Central School of Ballet, London and 1 year as a Senior Associate at Birmingham Royal Ballet. It was at Central School of Ballet where I first found the inspiration to teach. This inspiration came in the form of my Prep 1 teacher, Larissa Bamber. Her gentle teaching nature along with her obvious passion to spill her knowledge out to the aspiring dancers in her class was what initially made me consider following the path of teaching. I decided to ask the principal of my dance school at home in Staffordshire if I could commence observing classes and even assisting with the teaching, allowing me to look at dance classes from a teaching point of view and learn the necessary skills of a good teacher.

As my passion for teaching grew and I gained more experience I began teaching both groups of children, as well as private and 1 to 1 lessons. It became ever apparent to me that teaching was not just something that could be learnt but something that had to come from deep inside, a burning desire to share.

At the age of 16, having impressed my local coucil with my classical performance at the Staffordshire Annual Arts and Sports Award, I was offfered a position as an assistant dance teacher in a leisure centre, teaching street dance to three age groups of children between the ages of 3 and 13.

Whilst I was training at Tring Park I regularly travelled home to help out with preparing children at my local dance school for dance examinations and assist in choreographing and staging productions, as although I was enjoying my training and performing experience at the school, I felt my need to teach.

Since graduating from Tring Park I have moved back home to Stoke-on-Trent as I was unsure whether I wanted to perform or whether to develop the love I found for teaching and pursue a career in education. I decided to apply for the Work Based Learning BAPP course to enable me to eventually gain qualified teacher status and was recently asked by my local high school to teach extra curricular dance classes in a variety of styles after school. Being so impressed with my classes, the physical education teacher from the school has offered to contact other high schools and primary feeder schools in the area to recommend me. So hopefully this will lead on to great things in my chosen path.


I went to observe a creative day of dance at my previous high school last week before I commenced my own extra curricular classes there. The lady who taught the sessions was part of a group called "Afrocats" ( if any one is interested). The theme for the day was a multi cultural day of "Around the World" and she taught an African dance session, a carribbean dance session and a hip hop dance session. I thought this was a nice idea and the pupils (year 7) really seemed to enjoy it, especially the boys suprisingly! She discussed with them the big carnivals such as the Rio de Janiero carnival and taught a routine inspired by this. I have not come accross such dance troupes before and found it quite interesting.

Donyelle Jones- Contemporary Piece

I saw this video and really liked it so I thought I would share it with you all!

Sunday 4 October 2009

Can anyone help me?

Im trying to post videos from youtube, how do I do this?