Thursday 29 October 2009


Fashion has always had a significant influence on me throughout my life. I believe that it is an expression of an individual’s personality. I have previously considered courses at London College of Fashion and other such institutions to pursue a career or even second career within the fashion industry and chose to do my high school work experience placement at a lingerie and nightwear design company.

Make up, like fashion is another route that I have considered as a career or second career, and would like, at some point, to complete a media, film and TV makeup course.

People have often criticized me for my “weird” taste in music. However, I would rather describe it as a varied and diverse spectrum of musical interest. I do not have a certain “type” of music that I listen, but rather appreciate each individual pieces quality whether this is in a piece of minimalist music, a classical symphony or the latest chart show number one. Inspiration can be drawn from music and sound not only for dance work but I believe it also has a major influence in general life issues and tasks.

Ever since a young girl I have taken a great interest in both reading novels, and writing my own stories or descriptive writing. I have both read and studied a variety of different fiction genres from many different time periods, thoroughly enjoying the ones which make you think and consider life from another perspective. I particularly enjoy the work of Alison Weir who prompts me to consider social, and political values from a historical point of view and compare the way of life then, to the way of life now and how it has changed.

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